The umcs feel it is important for the knowledge obtained from research conducted in the umcs to contribute to new scientific insights and a healthier and more prosperous society. The ‘Research Impact of the Dutch University Medical Centres’ report describes this contribution.

It shows that the umcs are among the top international institutions in the area of scientific impact. It also shows that the umcs’ research affects society as a whole in a multitude of ways, such as via the news and media. Or by sharing knowledge in networks. Or in policy documents: for example, the inclusion of knowledge in clinical guidelines for patient care.  

The analysis of the scientific and societal impact was conducted on the basis of the umcs’ scientific publications. Bibliometric data and = charts are used to illustrate the scientific and societal impact.  

You can read the entire report here.

Skim through the Research Impact Maps

1.       Research topics

2.       Open access

3.       Societal impact

4.       Scientific impact