Want to be sure that your partner will receive an allowance to supplement his/her income after your death? The NFU offers all umc employees the voluntary option to arrange a collective life insurance with Allianz Nederland.

Sociale Verzekeringsbank

When someone dies, their partner can receive a legal benefit from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank [Social Insurance Bank, SVB] according to the National Survivor Benefits Act (Algemene nabestaandenwet, Anw). But the SVB only pays this benefit if a survivor is younger than the statutory retirement age. And the survivor must meet the following conditions on the day that his/her partner dies:

  • He/she is caring for a child who is under 18 years old, or

  • is at least 45% incapacitated for work.

Another important point to know: the Anw benefit amounts to at most 70% of the net minimum wage. And the income from work of the survivor is subtracted from this benefit.


The collective life insurance from Allianz can provide a useful allowance to supplement the income of the surviving partner. This option was arranged for the NFU and is in many cases more beneficial than individual supplementary insurance. 

Want to register?

  • New employees can register for the insurance in the first three months of starting their job. After that deadline, participation in this agreement is no longer possible.

  • You can arrange the life insurance via:

Survivor's pension

Another useful allowance to supplement your partner’s income is the survivor’s pension from the ABP. The amount of the accumulated survivor’s pension, which is paid out after your death, can be found at:

Are you wondering whether it is necessary to arrange supplementary life insurance? We give a few examples of family situations below. Look at the one that best fits your own situation. Hopefully, it will help you to decide whether or not to arrange the supplementary Allianz life insurance, alongside the previously stated Anw and ABP benefits. We advise you to think carefully about your situation and the financial consequences of a sudden death.