The professional of the future
Along with care and research, education is one of the other core tasks of the umcs. The care professionals of the future are trained by them. They will be prepared to be ready to act on behalf of society.
The umcs have an active societal role in educational issues. The NFU is constantly proposing new strategies and boundary conditions together with the individual umcs to enable education to meet the new demands of the care sector.
Care professionals are indispensable in our society. And that the work pressure within the care sector is enormous. The overall demand for care is increasing, the number of complex patients is growing, and medical-technological developments are advancing at great speed. Patients are also taking more control over their own treatments, in collaboration with their caregivers.
All of this demands a different role for and new skills of care professionals. This in turn requires education to be revised continuously. This applies to all medical programmes, which can be classified into:
- Medicine programmes: how will the doctors of the future be trained?
- Medical specialist training: read more about the boundary conditions for training to become a medical specialist.
- Nurse specialist training & medical support programmes: how well prepared are the nursing and medial support specialist training courses for the future?
- Nursing & Caring
- VIP program
- Research reference jobs for IC-nurse